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Code: SEN-X4001L

SEN-X4001L | Sentinel X400 Sludge Remover Cleaner 1Litre

Thorough cleaner for systems older than six months


Sentinel X400 High Performance Cleaner is specifically designed for cleaning older central heating systems. It is a non-acid treatment which restores circulation to radiators and pipework. Its ruthlessly efficient formula shifts built-up magnetite sludge, eliminating cold spots in radiators and restoring proper heat distribution.


  • Restores systems suffering with circulation problems
  • Eliminates radiator cold spots
  • Prepares older systems for the installation of new components
  • Has a non-acid formula which does not cause pin-holing or leaks
  • Can be used in all types of indirect heating systems, including those containing aluminium

Product Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

Sentinel X400 High Performance Cleaner restores a more even heat distribution to the house, keeping the property warmer and bills lower. Reviving an old heating system is a more cost-effective way to return warmth to a property than the installation of a whole new system.

Cleaning an old system before installing a new component also prolongs the effective life of the new component, whether a radiator or a boiler, reducing maintenance and replacement costs. Best practice, derived from documentation such as the UK Building Regulations Part L Domestic Heating Compliance Guide, is that a central heating system should be thoroughly cleaned and flushed out before the installation of a new boiler. We advise that systems should be cleaned in accordance with BS 7593.

1 litre Sentinel X400 High Performance Cleaner is sufficient to treat a typical domestic system of up to 10 radiators. Larger systems should be dosed with twice this amount.

To clean an older system in accordance with BS 7593, this product should be circulated (preferably at normal operating temperature, with all valves open and the pump turned to maximum flow) for a minimum period of 2 hours or until satisfactory performance is restored. Use in conjunction with a powerflushing device to achieve a more rapid clean.

Where systems are badly fouled, we recommend a longer circulation period (approximately 3-4 weeks). The product is not aggressive and can be safely left in the system for extended periods.

This product will not clear a completely blocked pipe.

Open Systems:
Dose liquid via F&E cistern, via a by-pass feeder or use a Sentinel Dosing Vessel.

Sealed Systems:
If the system is empty, add to any convenient point before filling. If full, use a Sentinel Dosing Vessel to inject via the filling loop or other access point.